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The LEARN Network

The Leveraging Evidence to Accelerate Recovery Nationwide (LEARN) Network, funded by the Institute of Education Services (IES), aims to promote learning growth by increasing the use of evidence-based products.

The LEARN Network is led by SRI, which has a history of transitioning research innovations into the market. The network also includes four product teams that adapt and scale evidence-based product. Each product team aims to accelerate learning recovery in literacy or math. The network also conducts research, shares findings, and establishes best practices accessible to a broad audience, thus expanding its impact on educational effectiveness.


SRI is the scaling lead for the LEARN Network. SRI provides training and coaching and collaborates with network members while ensuring members consider and address educator needs and perspectives. To support scalability of research innovations, SRI applies its Invent-Apply-Transition (I-A-T) framework, focusing on factors such as convenience, scope, and commercialization. A recent IES-funded SRI report, From Research to Market, details the I-A-T framework, its applications within the education field, and key challenges to scalability.