December 13, 2023 | By Kerry Friedman

Mary Bratsch-Hines and Heather Aiken, leaders of the evidence-based product Targeted Reading Instruction (TRI), recently sat down with host of The SRI Homeroom podcast Kori Hamilton Biagas. Bratsch-Hines and Aiken discussed how to make the science of reading actionable for teachers and how they are adapting TRI to accelerate recovery and scale. Bratsch-Hines explains,
The TRI program, which includes both professional development for teachers and an embedded student intervention, has decades of evidence supporting its impact on student outcomes. TRI incorporates evidence-based reading strategies and has undergone rigorous testing to demonstrate positive outcomes for students. Now, the TRI team is leveraging the LEARN Network to adapt the evidence-based program to better respond to pandemic recovery needs and plan for scale. Part of this adaptation is moving TRI to the Reading App, a digital platform developed by Lastinger Center for Learning. The resulting product promises to simplify implementation for teachers and broaden the base of who can use the TRI-Reading App.
Listen to the full episode of the SRI Homeroom podcast here:
Tags: Application Evidence-based Literacy Research & Developers