
Who Picks Educational Products? Including Unheard Voices in Procurement

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

Research suggests that the use of evidence-based and other high-quality instructional materials can offer significant improvements to learning outcomes. But how do evidence-based educational products make it into the hands of students and teachers?

Scaling Evidence-Based Solutions for Learning Recovery

Authors : Keith Heumiller

Since the pandemic, the urgency of designing and scaling evidence-based products to support learning recovery has become more pronounced. Educational institutions are grappling with unprecedented disruptions and widening achievement gaps, making the need for effective, research-backed interventions critical.

Strategies for Successful Scaling in Districts: Breaking the Cycle of the ‘Next New Thing’

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

When a new intervention or program is introduced, the conventional wisdom among many seasoned educators is, “This too shall pass.” This attitude doesn’t mean an intervention is not promising or educators are not flexible and innovative.

Leveraging Technology to Support Students with Disabilities: A Conversation with Adrienne Woods

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

In the latest episode of The SRI Homeroom podcast, SRI Senior Education Researcher Adrienne Woods joins host Kori Hamilton Biagas to explore strategies for identifying points of intervention along the K–12 continuum that can be used to advance educational and societal opportunities for children with disabilities.

The Latest Takes on Generative AI in Education

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

Generative AI is taking center stage at many education conferences this year. Educators, administrators, developers, investors, policymakers, and researchers across the land are trying to figure out what these technologies mean for the future.

Designing and Scaling for Educational Impact in Rural Communities: Five Takeaways for Researchers and Developers

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

The LEARN network recently hosted a panel discussion with scholars and practitioners who understand the unique considerations required to design, research, and scale evidence-based products in and across rural communities.

Supporting Struggling Adolescent Readers: A Conversation with the STARI Team

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

In the latest edition of the SRI Homeroom podcast, host Kori Hamilton Biagas sat down with Margaret Troyer and Kala Jones from the Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP Institute) to discuss their work and strategies to improve reading and reading comprehension for secondary students across the nation.

When Students Have a Say in Educational Innovation: A Conversation with Ela Joshi

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

The LEARN Network’s Ela Joshi sat down with host of The SRI Homeroom podcast Kori Hamilton Biagas to break down the nuanced world of developing and scaling evidence-based products and practices, emphasizing the vital role of student input.

How to Scale Evidence-Based Approaches: Four Insights from Rob Horner

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

In the late 1980s, Rob Horner and George Sugai developed Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an evidence-based framework to improve and integrate all data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes.

Supplemental Reading Programs in Action: Five Lessons from the LEARN Network Product Teams

Authors : Jennifer Medeiros

In early February, the LEARN network partnered with the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) to host a conversation with leaders from the three –literacy-focused LEARN Network product teams